
Be good to orphans and the needy. Speak nicely to people. And help the poor.

Quran 2:83

Eid Al-Fitr

30th March 2025

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

Make this Ramadan your best ever.

Once project details for 2025 are confirmed you will be able to make your contribution.


Compulsory upon every sane adult who has wealth over the nisab. The rate is 2.5% of that wealth and is paid once per year.

To calculate how much you owe, use a Zakah calculator.


Compulsory upon every member of a household, including children (payed by their parents).

Must be paid during Ramadan and is equivalent to £5 per person.


For intentionally missing a fast for a valid reason (chronic illness, old age, any reason for which fasts cannot be made up later).

For each missed fast you must feed a poor and needy person. The rate is based on the cost of an average meal in the UK which is £5.


For intentionally breaking a fast without a valid reason.

For each broken fast, you must fast for 60 consecutive days, if unable to do so, then you must pay for 60 meals. The rate is based on the cost of an average meal in the UK which is £5.

How did we do previous Ramadans?


£1,826 raised
For Pakistan
424 people fed
For 3 weeks


£3,556 raised
For Pakistan and Iraq
1240 people fed
For 3 weeks

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